Questions You Should Ask About Hospital Committees!

If you sell a MedTech product, service or solution that occasionally or always has to go to a committee for scrutiny prior to a purchase or contract here are some questions that you need to know. Don’t be afraid to ask these questions. You may not always get the answers but it’s a sin of […]

Handling Disruptive Negotiation Tactics: Defusing Anger, Threats & Ultimatums

During the lunch break for a recent negotiation workshop a participant asked “How do you handle a customer who seems friendly during the sales process but turns into a monster when negotiating?” He shared with us a story of a mild mannered executive who was engaging and value-focused throughout the sales process but became aggressive, […]

Three Deal Killing Blind Spots in Negotiations

One factor common to all sales professionals is the nagging suspicion and doubt that surfaces in our thoughts as we approach negotiating a close to a major deal. Have I answered all my customer’s questions? Is my price low enough or has someone else brought in a low-ball number at the last minute? Can I […]

What You Should Know About Hospital Committees!

We have all heard the jokes about committees. For example: a committee is a group that keeps minutes but loses hours1 or a committee is a group of the unprepared appointed by the unwilling to do the unnecessary.2 While these are humorous, in general they do not apply to healthcare organizations. Within hospitals committees play […]

30 Words or Phrases That Resonate With Hospital Buyers!

Newsflash! Hospitals don’t simply buy products and services; they seek out quality solutions to solve problems. Healthcare professionals are looking for partners that can help them to fix gaps in service delivery and help them to avoid complacency in order to achieve exceptional results. If you want to connect with hospital buyers, it’s essential to […]

Selling to a Not-For-Profit Hospital? Could Endowment Funds Help You?

Most MedTech sales professionals don’t realize that when selling to a Not-For-Profit (NFP) hospital the funds for the purchase of their product, service or solution may come from the use of Endowment Funds. There are two types of funds: Permanent Endowments are those that have been restricted by donors and are monitored by the hospital […]

Sales Call Preparation is for Amateurs & Rookies!

Let’s be honest most of you reading this missive don’t routinely plan for sales calls and you haven’t’ written out a sales call plan in years. This is not meant as a criticism. It’s just fact, based upon our experience and informal polls in working with sales organizations all over the world and in a […]

Essential Skills of the New MedTech Account Manager

The healthcare eco-system is in flux as implementation of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act unfolds. New reimbursement models are forcing collaboration between payers and providers to improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes. As healthcare stakeholders begin to take more financial risk for patient outcomes, they will demand value-based products and services be provided. […]