12 Factors to Consider in Every New Product Hospital Sale
You have just received training on your company’s newest product and Marketing has you jazzed about it. They have provided you a profile of the ideal customer and several buyer personas. They have mapped the buy-sell process and developed a sales playbook. They have even included a target list of questions to ask that will […]
Don’t Be a Talking Leaflet!
In every sales call there is a fine line between gathering information and providing information. Savvy sales professionals gather information by asking thought provoking, insightful questions. They spur intense conversations by sharing insight and asking for opinions. They ask tough questions especially those around change, opinions and risk. Once they understand the buyer’s requirements they […]
10 Risk Mitigation Strategies in Hospital Sales
Buying is all about mitigating risk while maximizing the reward. Savvy sellers know that they must demonstrate that doing business with them is the safe option and the right decision. In our last blog we described “Buyers Risk” in detail and we listed the 10 most common types of risk. In this blog, we will […]
12 Ways to Build Professional Credibility in Hospital Sales
There is an old adage in sales that one can never have too much credibility. This is especially true in hospital sales where the “the new normal’ is for sellers that can provide proven measurable value. Think of credibility as building a bank account. You constantly have to keep making credibility deposits because one day […]
Hospital Classification Made Easy!
As a result of new healthcare legislation, hospital consolidation will continue to change at a rapid pace. New specialty hospitals are opening and with a different focus in today’s environment. This dynamic creates a new challenge – for sales professionals trying to keep the business in perspective. A taxonomy or classification system can help us […]
Test Your Sales Representative Hospital Business Acumen
This short test will provide a “guide post” of where you and your sales organization are positioned relative to Hospital Business Acumen. We hope that you find it interesting and thought provoking. Test Your Sales Representative Hospital Business Acumen 1. Our sales force understands how a hospital makes money and how it spends money. a. […]
Hospital Business Acumen: Are you Sales Representative X, Y or Z?
Here is an example. Imagine three sales reps (X, Y and Z) from three different manufacturers’ all vying to be the replacement vendor for a hospital that is going to purchase ten (10) mechanical ventilators at $25,000 each. Rep X currently has the business and a lot of long-term relationships within the hospital and Respiratory Therapy […]
Hospital Business Acumen: The New Sales Differentiator!
The role of the medical sales representative is changing. Hospital consolidation means fewer accounts with more buying power. Hospitals no longer need sales representatives as the sole point of contact to provide product information, conduct in-services or quote prices. Product knowledge can be obtained instantaneously via the web without the need to sit through a […]