Test Your Sales Representative Hospital Business Acumen

This short test will provide a “guide post” of where you and your sales organization are positioned relative to Hospital Business Acumen. We hope that you find it interesting and thought provoking.

Test Your Sales Representative Hospital Business Acumen

1. Our sales force understands how a hospital makes money and how it spends money.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

2. Our sales force understands the factors that shape a hospital’s strategy structure and execution.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

3. Our sales force understands and can explain the key financial and operational metrics of a hospital.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

4. Our sales force is competent and confident in negotiation and in discussing ROI, NPV, IRR, and TCO with the C-Suite.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

5. Our sales force understands and can articulate the metrics that are used to judge the performance of each stakeholder that is involved in purchasing our product, service or solution.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

6. Our sales force is comfortable selling to new buying influences such as value analysis committees, hospital committees and the C-Suite.

a. Strongly agree 5
b. Somewhat agree 3
c. Disagree 1

Here is your Hospital Business Acumen Score

30-28 Outstanding! Your sales organization is well poised for growth. They have a high level of hospital business acumen. Key for you now is keeping their knowledge up-to-date with webinars, podcasts, white papers etc. Be sure your first line managers are providing consistent educational reinforcement and are continually monitoring the skill level of each direct report.

27-20 Congratulations! You’ve recognized that improvement in hospital business acumen is necessary. Determine the specific areas of competency that must be improved and then provide the curriculum, reinforcement, monitoring and continuous education that is required. Be sure to benchmark where you are today and measure the improvement.

Under 20 Caution! Trouble Might Be Ahead! Is it time to re-organize your sales force and deploy your resources differently or can training get you to the skill level required? If training is the answer then determine the specific areas of competency that must be improved and then provide the curriculum, reinforcement, monitoring and continuous education that is required. Be sure to benchmark where you are today and measure the improvement.
