Common Characteristics of the Best Healthcare Sales Reps: Part 1
Have you ever wondered why some healthcare sales reps consistently out-perform their peer’s year in and year out? We think they exhibit twelve (12) key characteristics. In Part 1 of this blog we will review the first seven (7): accountability, process orientation, bias for action, experts at time management, buyer personas, customer intimacy and lose […]
9 Ways Marketing Will Impact MedTech Sales: Part 2
As hospitals consolidate and form ACOs and transition from a fee-for-service reimbursement model to one that pays for value (better clinical outcomes, improved patient satisfaction and the prevention of complications, preventable infections and unnecessary re-admissions) the MedTech Sales Model will change. At the forefront of developing a new Go-To-Market strategy will be MedTech Marketing. Their […]
Don’t Be a Talking Leaflet!
In every sales call there is a fine line between gathering information and providing information. Savvy sales professionals gather information by asking thought provoking, insightful questions. They spur intense conversations by sharing insight and asking for opinions. They ask tough questions especially those around change, opinions and risk. Once they understand the buyer’s requirements they […]