Most Common Reasons Why MedTech Deals Derail!

No sales professional wins every deal. Ideally they lose early in the sales funnel and not late so that they don’t waste company time and resource on opportunities that they cannot win. If you have qualified opportunities in your funnel that you have a fighting chance of winning then manage them carefully so that they […]

Warning Signs of Customer Defection

Your customers are safe! They will keep buying from you! Or will they? With a frightening increasing frequency hospital customers are defecting from their current suppliers as they attempt to reduce their cost structure. To prevent this occurrence from happening to you be vigilant about monitoring the following customer defection warning signs: Decreased Usage – […]

12 Reasons Why Hospitals & Healthcare Systems Use RFPs!

Increasingly hospitals are turning to Request for Proposals (RFPs) to procure their goods and services. RFPs give hospitals one voice and one process thus streamlining the purchase process for goods that they deem to be highly price competitive. There are twelve reasons why hospitals and healthcare systems use RFPs: 1. Policy Requirement or Law: RFPs […]

Tips on Selling to the Hospital or Healthcare System C-Suite: Part 2

Introduction In today’s’ rapidly changing healthcare environment, every sales representative wants to develop a relationship with key hospital C-Suite executives. In some cases it’s to protect the existing business against a competitive threat, while in others, it’s to manage a new opportunity where C-Suite buy-in is paramount to success.  Ensuring that the C-Suite members embrace […]

Tips on Selling to the Hospital or Healthcare System C-Suite: Part 1

Introduction In today’s’ rapidly changing healthcare environment, every sales representative wants to develop a relationship with key hospital C-Suite executives. In some cases it’s to protect the existing business against a competitive threat, while in others, it’s to manage a new opportunity where C-Suite buy-in is paramount to success.  Ensuring that the C-Suite members embrace […]

Medical Device Sales: These Times They Are-A-Changin!

In 1964 Bob Dylan released his third studio album entitled: The Times They Are-A-Changin.” It was appropriate then and it is appropriate today especially as it pertains to healthcare. Here are a few: Buying Decisions: Manufacturers are seeing purchase decisions move from clinical criteria to economic criteria. With many products “clinically acceptable” is preferred to clinically […]

10 Ways Hospital Procurement Saves Money!

Let’s assume you are a hospital CEO in the USA and your facility has a 3% net margin. This means that for every $100M of revenue you earn $3M. Would you rather try to grow revenue or ask your strategic sourcing department to reduce expenditures by $3M? The answer is obvious and that’s why aggressive […]

12 Factors to Consider in Every New Product Hospital Sale

You have just received training on your company’s newest product and Marketing has you jazzed about it. They have provided you a profile of the ideal customer and several buyer personas. They have mapped the buy-sell process and developed a sales playbook. They have even included a target list of questions to ask that will […]

10 Risk Mitigation Strategies in Hospital Sales

Buying is all about mitigating risk while maximizing the reward. Savvy sellers know that they must demonstrate that doing business with them is the safe option and the right decision. In our last blog we described “Buyers Risk” in detail and we listed the 10 most common types of risk. In this blog, we will […]

Lower Hospital Buyer’s Risk Not Your Price!

With an uncertain economy; limited capital funds for new construction, renovations or new equipment; a changing reimbursement climate and minimal operating margins hospital buyers must mitigate risk when buying new products, services or solutions. Buyers Risk Buyer’s risk has two components: the probability that something will go wrong and the negative consequences if it does. […]