Never Negotiate B2B Contracts “On Your Feet!”

In our everyday life, we negotiate “on the run” frequently. Your spouse says, “I won’t be able to pick up the kids from school today. I was hoping you could.” And you say, “That’s fine…but can you pick up the dry cleaning?” Relationships require frequent re-negotiations of schedules, plans and duties to adapt to changing […]

Why Last Sales Quarter Was a Miss!

Well, for most of us we are almost halfway through Q-2. As you reflect on Q-1 you may come to one of the following conclusions: Q-1 was a good sales quarter. One down and three quarters to go to make my annual revenue plan. Q-1 wasn’t great but it wasn’t a total bust. I am […]

Now That the NFL Draft is Over, What Did It Teach You About Selling?

While both of us are fans of professional football, it’s tedious and confusing to wade through the myriad of articles and blogs on NFL draft predictions. Fortunately, the process is over for this year and every team has declared themselves a winner. By their own calculation, the much-heralded predictions by sport writers, channel talent experts […]

Self- Inflicted Wounds in Sales

No one intentionally tries to lose a sale. It’s not uncommon, however, for even savvy sellers to inadvertently self-inflict a wound or two during the sales year. After all, it’s tough to be perfect all of the time. Here is our list of the most common self-inflicted wounds that we see in working with clients […]

What Should You Do With Stalled Sales Opportunities?

Stalled sales opportunities account for between 10 and 15% of most sales funnels, yet little is written about stalled opportunities and the implications for both the sales representative and the sales manager. They are the dirty little secret of sales. Let’s consider for a moment “what” constitutes a stalled opportunity, “why” opportunities stall, and “how” […]

Selling to Hospitals: The Effect of Price Discounts on Gross Margin

Is your sales organization throwing money down the drain with each deal that they are selling to hospitals? Be honest with yourself. It happens every day. You think you have the deal won and then someone says, ” all we need now is to get the PO through Strategic Procurement.” You venture to Strategic Procurement […]

Check List for Handling Discount Demands

Recently we were asked by a client to develop a brief but interactive negotiation workshop that provided insight into handling the objection “your price is too high…we need a lower price.” In preparation for the session we developed a detailed case study that outlined the exact business scenario that their sales force was experiencing daily. […]

MedTech Sales Strategy: The Top 10 Competitive Tactics Used Against You!

Every deal has competition. In some, it is the pressure to “do nothing” and maintain the current status quo. On other occasions, it’s to use internal resources instead of investing in external solutions. In many situations it is a direct alternative to your product, service or solution. Competition is about winning and winning requires a […]

What Sales Reps Can Learn From Peter Drucker

“Peter F. Drucker was a writer, professor, management consultant and self-described “social ecologist,” who explored the way human beings organize themselves and interact much the way an ecologist would observe and analyze the biological world. His 39 books, along with his countless scholarly and popular articles, predicted many of the major developments of the late […]

Strategic Procurements 10 Commandments for Managing the Hospital Buying Process

As strategic procurement gains more power, authority and influence within hospitals and health care systems they are gradually educating non-procurement personnel within the hospital on how “to engage and not engage” with sales professionals. We call this education performed by procurement within their hospital “Procurements 10 Commandments for Managing the Hospital Buying Process”. These are […]