Does Your Company Culture Respect the Sales Force?
If we asked this question to most company CEOs and their direct reports, we would expect a resounding yes followed by concrete examples of how their organization respects and supports the field sales force. Perception, however is not always reality. All too often, we hear the following comments being uttered about the sales force by […]
Unlocking the Buyer’s Mindset: What Drives Price Demands from Procurement?

If you have been in sales for more than a week you have encountered someone from Procurement telling you one or more of the following: “Your price is too high.” “I need a discount.” “Can you do better?” “Your solution is too expensive.” “You’ll have to do better than that to get our business.” “Your […]
4 Sales Costs That Are Killing Your Profits

After leading organizations as a CEO and working with a myriad of senior leaders in a wide-range of industries it is our firm belief that many organization waste significant resources because there is little or no financial over-sight in four key areas of selling and customer relations. We believe organizations could improve their financial results […]
Sales Reps: Are You Promotable, Sustainable or Replaceable?

Regardless of tenure or experience, every sales representative is placed in one of three categories by their First Line Sales Manager (FLSM) and senior management. Either your promotable, sustainable or replaceable. Your category is defined by the results you deliver and your perceived value. The results you deliver are typically monthly, quarterly or yearly. Management’s […]
Here is What “No Decision” & “Lost Deals” is Costing You!

According to CSO insights 21.3%1 of forecasted deals in a typical sales funnel end in “no decision”. This is a number that should send chills down the spine of every Board member, the CEO and especially Sales leadership. The potential lost revenue and gross margin is staggering. Here are some numbers to ponder. These came […]
12 Reasons Your Best Sales Reps Are Leaving!

Years ago, when one of the authors was in graduate school a professor made the following statement. “There is no bottom line until there is a top line. The key to a top line is hiring and supporting great sales professionals.” It was a profound statement then and it’s still profound today. Great sales professionals […]
Are You Asking Prospects and Customers the Right Questions?
Recently one of the authors of this blog was out for dinner at a chain Italian restaurant with his wife. When we arrived, we asked for a booth with a view of the outdoors and were seated promptly by a friendly and outgoing hostess. Within 2-3 minutes our food server greeted us with a […]
Remembering Bob Miller, a Sales Icon, Mentor & Friend!
Our blog this week will be markedly different and brief because yesterday we learned of the passing of Robert B. Miller. It is a sad day for us and the legion of worldwide sales professionals that were trained by him. His pioneering work along with several other industry icons elevated the sales profession worldwide. Bob […]
Are You “Social Selling” or Committing “Social Suicide”?
Social Selling is an important tool in the weaponry of sellers for lead generation that nurtures meaningful relationships through conducting research, making a connection, fostering awareness and increasing interest. There is no debate. Social selling is here to stay. It’s another tool in the toolbox of the sales professional along with the telephone, E-Mail and […]
Is Your Lead Management System a Lead Destruction System?
Are you inadvertently losing inbound leads because of your internal systems and organizational structure? Is your attempt to control lead management to your various channel members so rigid and formalized that leads are not being managed in a timely and efficient manner?